How it all started, You guessed it....., with a dog named Dude.

I struggled, but the silver lining in all of this, was that I would finally have time to devote to getting a puppy, training it and caring for it. I immediately spent time researching breeds, training, equipment to buy, insurance, veterinarians, beds, food, etc.. My husband was thrilled to see me focused on the search and continued to "that's great Honey" me, until I notified him on a Friday that I had found our new pup and we would be picking him up the next day.
On July 13, 2019 our world changed. Dude came into our lives and nothing has been the same since. My husband had never owned a dog in his life. I hadn't had a dog in twenty plus years, and the one I had was shared with my large family, had his own yard and had never been trained. Apartment dog life was new to us all. To say that Dude was the child we never had is an understatement. He is given lots of love, attention, toys, treats, cuddles etc.. In simpler terms, he is spoiled beyond belief. My Mother-in-law (pictured above with Dude and I) started to refer to him as "His Lordship" and the title stuck.
We became immersed in dog life. Training, dog walks, dog areas, veterinary trips, Instagram pages, grooming and basically anything related to dogs. Suddenly, a whole new community of dog lovers and owners came into our world. We met lots of great friends (furry and non furry).
I continued to read and ask my new dog friends questions. Dude continued to be completely food motivated. I tried many different treats for him, but as I would read the ingredients and see so many unidentifiable items I thought that there had to be a better way. Now that this guy had come into our life, our whole world is about keeping him happy and healthy for as long as possible. I began to bake treats regularly and tried many different variations to develop the recipes I finally landed on . Dude, is not the pickiest of eaters so he wasn't the best taste tester. He ate them all and came back for more. The more I baked, the more I started sharing my treats with other dog owners. To my surprise, many of the pickier eaters (to which neither my dog nor I could relate) really seemed to like the treats. I started giving out dog treats at birthday parties and making pupcakes for some of Dude's buddies. I loved bringing joy to the dogs, so I researched and learned a lot about the dog treat industry. After several months of testing, registering, and licensing my products, my business was born.
Dude's Delicious Dog Treats will always be devoted to making delicious treats, with simple, quality ingredients that we feel comfortable giving to Dude. We commit to being focused on the health and wellness of all dogs and will regularly donate a % of our profits to organizations that benefit dogs in need. The love and joy that one little dog brought to our life, is not forgotten and we hope to share that joy with dogs who may not be as fortunate as "His Lordship". Whether you are an obsessive dog Mom or Dad, shelter dog, the fanciest of pooches or a simple dog lover.....our products are made to please you.